Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are on the third Saturday of the month from October to April, at 9:00 AM in the Lake Okahumpka Recreation Center, 4505 Okahumpka Run. in The Villages. Monthly meetings feature a brief business meeting followed by a program.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
February 15, 2025.
"How to design your own birding trip to Alaska” by Mark Cudney.
Join Mark as he talks about designing a trip for the birder going to Alaska for the first time, without a guide, and for the least expensive price. Mark has birded Alaska on 38 different occasions, including the Pribilof Islands, Attu (the western most point), and the St. Lawrence Island off the coast of Siberia. His total list of bird species in Alaska is 336 species.
March 15, 2025. Speaker: Pete Helmuth, (Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission): "Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the Withlacoochee State Forest."
April 12, 2025. Annual Member Only Picnic: Lake Griffin State Park, 3089 US-441, Fruitland Park.
April 19 (Saturday) Monthly Club Meeting: Program: Birding 101.
Followed with Binocular & Spotting Scope demos on the boardwalk behind the Rec Center.
Recordings of previous Zoom meetings.
November 18, 2023
Speaker: Gary Babic
Bird Families of The Villages
March 19, 2022
Speaker: Jerry and Linda Bell:
"Deserts, Grasslands and Rain Forests:
Birdwatching in Namibia and Rwanda."
February 19, 2022
Speaker: Nicole Koeltzow (2018 winner of the ABA BIG YEAR).
Presentation (on Zoom): "My Accidental Big Year."
January 15, 2022
Heather Wolf, Web Developer, Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
“Patch Birding Makes a Difference”
October 17, 2020
Speaker: Paul Nistico
"Birding California -- Desert, Mountains and Ocean"
November 21, 2020
Speaker: Deborah Green
"Lake Apopka and Birding Opportunities"
December 19, 2020
Speaker: Gary Babic
"Christmas Bird Count -- History and Local Activities"
January 16, 2021
Emma LeClerc, Florida Shorebird Alliance
"Seabird conservation efforts of the Florida Shorebird Alliance."
February 20, 2121
Speaker: Stan Lavender
"Points South: New Birding Destinations in The Villages"
March 20, 2121
Speaker: Gina Kent
(Avian Research and Conservation Institute)
"Conservation of the Swallow-tailed Kite: nest sites, roost sites, migration, and wintering sites"